Sunday, February 7, 2016

Stakeholder #2

Unsplash, "Steak Meat Beef Food Juicy" 16/01/08 via pixabay
Public Domain Dedication License

Anne-Marie Cuneo is a well-spoken woman. Every word she communicates is calculated, some might say she is too calculated. The raven-hared Cuneo needs this coldness for her job as the staffer for Nevada's Public Utility Commission. In fact, it was Cuneo who ignited the firestorm that has erupted around the PUC and SolarCity: she was the person who recommended the rate hikes for solar-users.

In the face of public outrage, Cuneo appears nonplussed. She gives out measured responses to potentially inflammatory questions she is asked.

When asked for the commission's motivation for these increases, Cuneo cites that it is in the public's best interests.

"Why should non-solar residents reimburse solar users?" Cuneo asks at 14:36 (Video). Cuneo found that the model SolarCity ran on overstated the megawatt per hour price of solar energy, running a possible $222 million net cost for the grid. "The circumstances for the model do not exist", she states in the above interview.

She further rebukes claims that there was undue influence from NV Energy citing "multiple cases in where [they] did not favor NV Energy" in the past, and that jumping to that assumption from the outcome of one case is absurd (13:21). Cuneo brings precedence and studies to her aid, making it hard to find fault with her arguments.

Cuneo stands in opposition to other stakeholders such as SolarCity, who believe the measure is an attempt to deploy solar energy for NV Energy in the state of Nevada.

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