Sunday, February 28, 2016

My Interviewees as Professional Writers

Give us the name of each interviewee and write a short summary of the kinds of professional publications they've authored (according to their website, CV and/or other easily findable online resources that list their publications). You don't need to include all the bibliographic information for their publications, just the basic facts.

Richard Boulger has no publications readily accessible online. This is to be expected: he worked at a consulting firm, so the works he produced would have been exclusively for the benefit of his contractors.

Patti Ota does have two work publicly available:

What is interesting is that both of Ota's reports center on diversity and equity. Both pieces are in text, with the commission documenting the results of a study. Unfortunately, this document is rather lengthy for an high-quality analysis at this point, and Sex Discrimination is only available in paperback. Hopefully I can obtain executive summaries and a copy of Sex Discrimination Law in Higher Education from my meeting with Ota.

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