Sunday, February 7, 2016

Analysis of My Rhetorical Situation

gr8effect, "Triangle Abstract Tunnel Cool" 15/12/07 via pixabay
Public Domain Dedication License

My story focuses on the raise of utility rates for Nevada's solar customers. I expect that my audience will consist of those interested in renewable and clean energy, solar energy, environmental justice, or Nevadan residents. My demographic is likely one that is economically thrifty and environmentally conscious, people who wish to help reduce reliance on fossil fuels while also saving money. They might regularly read publications such as Green Tech Media.

My audience should understand the background behind why Solar City came to Nevada, and why they subsequently ceased operations there after reading my Quick Reference Guide. The incentives for solar energy and the area's potential for harnessing solar energy should be touched upon, in this case. The motivations behind NV Energy and Nevada's Public Utilities Committee's actions also need to be revealed, so I must address their complaints of the costs of solar energy being shifted to non-solar users.

I am the best fit to present this topic as I already am aware of the benefits of solar energy from taking various environmental science courses, in addition to being familiar with aspects of business from marketing and economics classes. This blend of experiences gives me a somewhat balanced perspective on the Solar City-NV Energy controversy.

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