Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Peer Review #1

Lee Changmin, "Glasses fluke angel therapy" 14/08/10 via pixabay
Public Domain Dedication License

For this review, I looked over Leah's draft.

I believe I am on the right course, after looking at other Quick Reference Guides. While the information I wish to include is not on paper at the moment, I feel like I have enough sources to give a detailed account of the events that incited this controversy, and the sequences that occurred after that inciting moment. Leah's draft made me realize that I could benefit from being more succinct in my sub-sections. I am also interested in looking into implementing Leah's "question and response" format in my own project.

I need to avoid siding with one of the opponents in this controversy, something I felt was a slight concern in Leah's draft. Additionally, I will want to flesh out the beginning and ongoing events related to my controversy with plenty of differing sources, especially if they are from opposing sides.

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