Sunday, February 28, 2016

My Major

What do students in your program or department learn how to do?

My department teaches students how to compose business-related literature: usually this consists of reports on a particular case analysis.

What do people who get degrees in this field usually go on to do for work?

Business majors focus in areas such as marketing, consulting, finance, accounting, or administration.

What drew you to this field?

My success in DECA case competitions drove me to the business field.

Name three of the leaders/most exciting people involved in this field right now in 2016. Why are they interesting or exciting to you? These could be individual people or specific companies, organizations, businesses or non-profits. Hyperlink us to a homepage professional website for each person, if possible.

Goldman Sachs - a banking investment firm that is a major player in global finance
Proctor & Gamble - a consumer goods business that has its products on shelves in every store across the globe
Google - The leading technology giant, with a hold on major platformers such as YouTube and Blogger.

What are the names of three leading academic/scholarly journals in your field?

Wall Street Journal - Published New York City
Bloomberg Businessweek - Published New York City
Forbes - Published New Jersey

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