Saturday, February 20, 2016

Local Revision: Wordiness

wilhei, "Font Lead Set Book Printing" 04/09/24 via pixabay
Public Domain Dedication License


Could their be financial gain for NV Energy by adjusting the rates? Lyndon Rive seems to thinks so. Pinpointing their lack of hold in the solar industry, he understands why they might want to muscle SolarCity out of the mark by making them nonviable with new price increases. "They'd be big fans of solar that they own" (21:14, Video). He's not alone in thinking this way: New York Times journalist and author Jacques Leslie also believes that these rates are an attempt to help NV Energy expand, backing up his claims slightly. Nevada residents already on solar energy also share in this theory, accusing NV Energy of benefiting financially from this development.


Is there financial gain for NV Energy by adjusting the rates? Lyndon Rive thinks so. Pinpointing their low presence in the solar industry, he understands why they would want to muscle SolarCity out of the market. "They'd be big fans of solar that they own" (21:14, Video). He's not alone in thinking this: New York Times journalist Jacques Leslie also believes these rates help NV Energy expand, backing up Rive's claims. Nevada residents already on solar energy share this theory, accusing NV Energy of benefiting from this development.

This re-written section is not different: it is the same information with a few unnecessary words excised. I believe the reduction in link is helpful for streamlining the piece.

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