Sunday, March 13, 2016

Production Report 8B

Outline Item
3.3.   The format
·                Take advantage of bolding
·                Succinct text, easily glanced at…
·                …But what is emphasized should make reader want to read more in depth
3.4.   Visually point out these traits in internship application at Microsoft by Mr. Nadim.

Adaptation of Outline Item
            Business writers can tool their documents to be more attractive by making them easy to read. Simple language and streamlined formatting is best for this purpose. “A writer’s purpose is to exchange thoughts, the goal is not to entertain or impress with your language” Boulger flatly states. This mindset stands in stark contrast to other genres, such as creative writing, and can be difficult for beginners in business to wrap their heads around. The words chosen for interpersonal text-based business communication should not be picked for self-congratulation. Boulger continues by saying that “more specifically, your goal is to tell, ask questions, or request something”.
            The above elements of effective business communication appeared in various interpersonal text-based mediums I examined. One text that was analyzed was an application for a Graduate Marketing Internship at the Intel Corporation. Written by University of Iowa graduate Nedim Barut, Barut pinpoints their audience in the header, specifically addressing the application to Patricia Murray, the Senior Vice President and Director of Human Resources. Through the simple inclusion of the name of her application’s evaluator, Barut heightens their application’s appeal by making it appear personal to the reader.
            The first sentence of the e-mail reads that “this letter is to express [Barut’s] keen interest in Intel’s Graduate Marketing Internship.” Concise and defining the purpose of the communication in the opening line, Barut’s e-mail seems to fall in line with Professor Boulger’s call for clarity. Taking advantage of formatting by utilizing bullet points, Barut lists credibility-building characteristics in bold. Skills and experiences such as “consulting experience at PricewaterhouseCoopers” and “a comprehensive grasp of business processes” are among the qualities listed. Barut describes them in greater detail with small, unbolded paragraphs. 

Audience Questions
  1. How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?
As my project is a standardized college essay, I reproduced the important points along with connecting transitions here.
  1. How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?
While it was difficult to get motivated due to the seemingly large scope of my project, once I narrowed my focus and explored ideas my classmates were having, I was able to begin synthesizing my interviews and materials into textual analysis.

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