Sunday, March 13, 2016

Production Report 8A

Outline Item
2.2.1. Visual
·                Logos component
·                “Direct and indirect methods” – Professor Boulger

Adaption of Outline Item
Professor Boulger likens the construction of a business presentation to the arc of a story plot: it consists of what actions were taken, what was discovered, and the conclusions drawn from the study. There are two major methods of presentation that can be utilized: the direct approach and the indirect approach.
Each approach is suited for different audiences, taking their mindsets and levels of resistance into account. The direct approach delivers the presentation’s conclusion first and then shows the evidence and studies that support its premise. The indirect approach is suited for skeptical audiences; Rather than first presenting a conclusion to what is possibly a guarded audience, instead the presenter builds the case before their very eyes, leading up to a conclusion.

Logical and ethical appeals are obviously at work here, with yet again, a lack of emphasis on emotional appeals. The indirect approach heavily favors logic building and connections, this employment of logos easing skeptics into the presentation’s conclusion. The direct approach may emphasize ethos just as much: a certain level of trust in the presenter’s credibility and trustworthiness must be established in order to sell a conclusion at the beginning of a report.

Audience Questions
  1. How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?
As my project is a standardized college essay, I reproduced the important points along with connecting transitions here.
  1. How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?
While it was difficult to get motivated due to the seemingly large scope of my project, once I narrowed my focus and explored ideas my classmates were having, I was able to begin synthesizing my interviews and materials into textual analysis.

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