Sunday, January 31, 2016

Considering Genre

Hans, "Spectrum Light Spectrum Optics" 13/04/13 via pixabay
Public Domain Dedication License

1. What genre are you going to commit to for Project 1? Why?

I am going to commit to making a Quick Reference Guide for project one. Observing the genre examples provided, I realized most of the Quick Reference Guides focused on controversies of some sort. This is for a good reason: The Quick Reference Guide serves well to quickly get an unfamiliar reader up to speed on its topic. Its segmentation is easily digested, and will lend itself well to doing a pro/anti examination, with interplay between both sides, something I think that will be important for context.

2. What genre conventions from your chosen genre are you planning on developing during next week's Production phase? What do you plan to do with the genre conventions that will help you accomplish the purpose of the project most effectively?

The Quick Reference Guide is text based, therefore I will be grouping sources and breaking them down into an outline of key points. This simplistic breakdown will allow me to identify the key causes of the controversy and outline both sides' motivations.

3. How are you feeling about Project 1 going in to the Production phase? What challenges do you anticipate next week as you create content for the project?

I am feeling somewhat confident. I have tackled harder subjects before, such as writing ten-page term papers about exoplanet discovery techniques via spectroscopy, a subject I also had no idea about. If I pace myself well, the task should be feasible.

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