The following post details the outline of my video essay for my rhetorical investigation in business.
1. Opening segment:
1.1. Humorous/Engaging hook (Allude/lampshade to constrictions of medium/genre of project)
1.2. Introduction and explanation of project: “Here I will explain how professionals in business communicate information”, etc.
1.3. Hit on each genre that will be covered
1.4. Make analogy to the scientific method
2. The traditional business presentation
2.1. Exigence: Being tasked to come up with a solution/proof (Indirect/direct case building)
2.2. Explain importance of visual and textual components
2.2.1. Visual
· Logos component
· “Direct and indirect methods” – Professor Boulger
2.2.2. Textual
· Audience appeal
· Not an essay, not a speech – Doctor Ota
2.3. Mention that reports are usually done in teams, how teams work together
2.4. Examples
3. Written interpersonal communication
3.1. Purpose: To inform, to request, NOT to entertain.
3.2. Context: Realize your audience could be reading hundreds of documents per day…
3.3. The format
· Take advantage of bolding
· Succinct text, easily glanced at…
· …But what is emphasized should make reader want to read more in depth
3.4. Visually point out these traits in internship application at Microsoft by Mr. Nadim.
4. The business-related report
4.1. Make parallels with how the purpose of this aligns with the presentation and written texts
· You’re informing, you’re testing, finding a result a reporting it. Perhaps giving a solution.
4.2. Walk through the research process via analogy to Patti Ota’s work on Commission on Minorities and Women, Sex Discrimination Law in Higher Education: The Lessons of the Past Decade
· Return later to add a documentation of Dr. Ota’s specific research process
4.3. Compare this with the testing parameters detailed in The Academy of Management Journal’s Reputation and Status: The Expanding Role of Social Evaluations in Management Reseach.
5. Conclusion
5.1. All the genres share a specific purpose, and are not concerned with impressing with scholarly language
5.2. Informing is paramount.
5.3. Hammer in how succinctness is the key to effective business communication.